Maritime Marine Life: Field Guide to Fishes, Invertebrates and Plants of the Northwest Atlantic
New title available now!

My Maud by Katie Maurice
This is a Storybook perfect for fans and scholars of Lucy Maud Montgomery (and anyone who needs encouragement in these troubled times). It is a colourful and touching celebration of imagination and friendship, and the unbreakable bond of “kindred spirits.” It is about Maud's lifelong connection with the vivid world(s) of her creative self, and is told from the perspective of its personification, “Katie Maurice,” - L. M. Montgomery’s and Anne of Green Gables’ imaginary best friend.
About MeisterWorks Publishing
Neil Meister has been designing a variety of books for publishers and authors for over 30 years. In partnership with his wife, Deanna Ryan-Meister as editor and designer, they have launched MeisterWorks Publishing to provide more services to their publishing clients.
Their specialty—helping authors find the best path from vision and concept to print, through consulation and collaboration.
Each book is unique, produced with the same passion that inspires our authors.